How do you like the sound of 12 power packed remedies and tips that show you how to get rid of vaginal odor!
Well, you just got lucky sister, because I’ve written up this monster piece after doing weeks of research on this unpleasant feminine odor topic. This post will hopefully answer every question you may have about vaginal odor and point you to the right remedies that can help cure it for you. Every healthy vagina has a scent. It varies from clear-musky on normal days, to a somewhat rusty metallic smell during periods.
READ ALSO: Why you’re having itchy and burning vaginal symptoms without discharge.
So listen up:
If your husband wants or expects your vagina to smell of roses, just drop him a link to this article. As I mentioned above, your vagina will always have its unique scent and that’s perfectly normal.

- If you go around claiming your vagina can smell like flowers or fruits. Your vagina is not supposed to smell like a flower or a fruit. [18] Period. And if it does, it’s artificial which is VERY bad in the long run.
- If your vagina smells like a dead fish rotting down there and it doesn’t seem to go away no matter how many showers you take in a day. [31]
But before we get started, I want you to relax and know that you are NOT alone.
Vaginal odor is very common among women than you think. From young teenage girls to women in their late 60s, vaginal odor is absolutely common. You won’t hear many people talking about it because it is kind of an awkward thing to talk about.
I mean, how often do you hear one of your girlfriends or a family member asking for vaginal odor remedies?
Pretty rare right? And that’s only because most women are embarrassed to talk about it. They beat themselves up and make it out like it’s only happening to them. And there’s a good chance you’re probably doing the same thing.
But listen, get this stamped in your head right now:
You are not alone. Thousands of women are googling ‘how to get rid of vaginal odor’ every single day, so don’t beat yourself up over it anymore.
Are your colleagues, family members or friends talking behind your back?
I know so many of you ladies out there probably stay depressed in a corner and hate the idea of stepping out because of the way other people comment about your vaginal smell.
Do you have people commenting and acting like you don’t have a good hygiene? Those awkward stares and comments such as “what’s that smell?” can be really embarrassing. But once again, I just want to remind you that you are not alone. Yes, it can be a painful situation to deal with, but guess what? You’re already doing the right thing by looking for ways to treat that unpleasant feminine odor. And no matter how old you are, there are many proven remedies to treat and keep the vaginal odor under control. As for the people who’re putting you through hell because of something that’s not even your fault, ignore them. Focus on your treatments and the things that make you feel good about yourself. That’s it.
2 Hard to Ignore Reasons Why You Should Avoid Over the Counter Feminine Odor Products!
1 . Delay in STI diagnosis and…
Studies reveal that the use of over the counter feminine odor products such as feminine wipes, douches and sprays can increase the risk of developing symptoms that mimic STIs. These symptoms can include discharge or vaginal irritations. On top of that, the use of these products can mask the symptoms of a true STI, resulting in delayed diagnosis and treatment [1]. This is a serious warning to keep note of especially if you’re intimately active.
Bottomline: Using feminine hygiene products such as sprays and wipes can give you STI like symptoms. And if you happen to have a real STI by any unfortunate chances, these products can mask the true symptoms and cause a delay in diagnosis.
2 . Feminine Hygiene Products Can Kill the Happy Vaginal PH.
Over the counter feminine odor products have been proven to disturb the normal 3.8-4.5 ph level of the vagina. Your vagina is capable of cleaning itself. It has a system of healthy bacteria called Lactobacillus living inside that helps getting rid of bad bacteria and protects you from vaginal infections [8]. When the natural acidic PH of your vaginal environment becomes disturbed, this reduces the presence of the good bacteria and promotes the growth of the bad one. As a result, you will now become prone to all sorts of vaginal infections such as Bacterial Vaginosis, Yeast infection and more [9]. The disturbed PH of your vaginal environment is one of the most important causes of vaginal odor.
Bottom line: The use of feminine odor sprays, wipes and douches can severely disturb the vaginal PH. This will destroy the good bacteria and open door for vaginal odor and infections.
8 Main Causes of Fishy Vaginal Odor
The number 1 reason for foul vaginal odor is the disturbed PH of your vaginal ecosystem. The normal PH of your vagina varies between 3.8-4.5 [16].
Your vaginal enviroment is dominated by Lactobacillus (Good bacteria) that helps maintain the acidic PH of your vagina and help protect you from STI and other infections. [15] [17]
You’re going to learn the 8 main reasons why your vaginal PH can get disturbed.
Sometimes, just correcting the causes of a disease can help treat and prevent it from recurring. It’s very true in this case of vaginal odor. Before you try out any of the vaginal odor remedies discussed on this post, read through the following list of causes to understand what could be causing the unpleasant smell from your vagina.
1. Is your hygienic practice on point?
You don’t want to skip this part even if you say you shower or bath every day because you could be overdoing it or doing it completely wrong.
So it’s time to check up on your vaginal hygiene now. Go through these questions first and figure out if you’re doing it wrong.
Do you wash your vagina after every bowel movement?
No amount of tissue is going to make your down there smell clean like washing that whole area with some warm water. Experts agree on the fact dry toilet paper is not enough to clean your anal area thoroughly. This might come as a surprise for some of you ladies, but you must always wipe your vaginal/anal area from front to back, not the other way around, okay?
Do you wash the inside of your vagina?
Yes? Well, it’s about time you stop doing that. And if you’re washing the inside of your vagina with any kind of soap, it is going to be the number 1 reason for the fishy odor of your vagina. [19]
You know why that is?
Your vagina is a self-cleaning oven. It can clean itself. You only need to clean the vulva and surrounding areas. When you attempt to clean the inside of your vagina with water and/or soap, you are disturbing the happy PH balanced environment of it. [20] You will be destroying the good bacteria inside your vagina and promoting the growth of bad anaerobic bacteria. As a result, your vagina will start stinking like a can of out of date tuna. So do not wash the inside of your vagina. And no soapy water must ever enter inside of it. Just use some warm water and sensitive nonfragrant soap like dove bar to wash the vulva and surrounding area down there.
2. Does douching help get rid of vaginal odor?
Googling how to get rid of vaginal odor and douching to get rid of it, is like going to KFC to buy healthy food. It just doen’t work and will do the opposite. Douching = disaster for your vagina. Have you ever douched? Do you still douche? Stop already.
For those who don’t know what douching is, it’s the internal washing of your vagina using water, soap, etc. Many women believe that douching with just plain water is perfectly fine and yet they can’t help wonder why their vagina still smells like a dead fish rotting in there.
So all that FemFresh, Vagisil, and SummerssEve stuff are going to do more harm than any good for your vagina. [22] Research studies have found out that a lot of women still believe that douching is a good hygienic practice. One example is this study that was conducted among 535 adult women. They found that 65% of them believed douching to be a good hygienic practice and a lot of them thought it helped prevent infections. Little do they know that it rather does the opposite. Douching severely disturbs the PH of your vagina, destroys the good bacteria (La and promotes the growth of the bad anaerobic bacteria. [21]
What happens then?
Your vagina starts smelling like a rotten egg, that’s what. So don’t go anywhere near douching, only wash the outer parts of the vagina with plain water and mild soap with no fragrance etc.
Still not with me on this?
How about this: Douching can also increase your risk of developing Pelvic Inflammatory Disease and/ or catching an STI (sexually transmitted infection) if and when you’re active [9]. So stay away from douching to get rid of vaginal odor. It will do you 100 times more harm than any good.
So what you can’t use any soap at all down there?
Yes, no soap must ever inside your vagina. But you can use a plain nonfragrant soap like this Dove unscented soap bar for sensitive skin to wash the outside parts of your vagina.
3. The link between vaginal odor and menopause
If you’re a woman going through pre/post menopause, you’re more likely to notice vaginal dryness and irritations [33]. This is because of the decline in estrogen level in your body [32] and thus, your vaginal walls will tend to become thinner and more sensitive. You’ll also become more prone to bacterial infections down there because of the disturbed PH level of your vagina [34, 35]. So if you’re wondering what’s up down there with that fishy odor, it’s simply the decline in your estrogen level disturbing the overall health of your vagina.
All the tips and remedies mentioned in this post will make a difference, especially drinking plenty of water, eating yogurt and wearing pure cotton underwear. And if you wish to go a bit advanced, consult with your doctor or gynecologist about getting some Conjugated Equine Estrogens (CEE) to help balance the menopause disasters. Research studies [5] [6] have found out that CEE certainly helps relieve women with menopausal symptoms such as vaginal dryness. Consider this only if/when you’ve tried all the remedies and tips on this page and nothing seems to be working at all.
4. Fishy vaginal odor during pregnancy
If you’re a pregnant woman experiencing bad feminine odor, the first thing you need to keep in mind is that your sensitivity to any smell is elevated at this point in your life. It’s normal for pregnant women to have abnormal smell sensitivity. Sometimes the foul vaginal odor during pregnancy is caused by yeast infection. As stated in this article by AmericanPregnancy, this is due to the sudden hormonal changes your body goes through during pregnancy. It can definitely be treated with some of the vaginal odor remedies mentioned in this post and/or with over the counter medicine for Yeast infection.
5. How good is your sexual hygienic practice?
If you’re not already doing this, make sure to take a shower or at least wash both of your private parts before getting intimate. Pee right after doing it and wash the outside of your vagina with warm water. This will not only help eliminate any unpleasant odors but will also help protect you from catching a UTI (Urinary Tract Infection).
If you stink down there as soon as he ejaculates, it might have more to do on his side.
Watch out on his hygiene just as much as you do on yours. Make sure he washes his before you know. And be careful when (if) you insert toys and any other foreign objects down there.
6. Have you forgotten to remove an old tampon from your lala land?
Do you use tampons? Take a deep breath and think for a second.
Because there’s a small but significant chance that you could have left the tampon rotting in there from who knows when.
Have you ever forgotten to remove your tampon on time?
If yes, there’s a good chance you could have one rotting in your vagina causing that fishy vaginal odor. You could have forgotten to remove it before inserting a new tampon and/ or you could have completely forgotten about the existence of it rotting in your vagina after a period. Apparently, this is a very common case among women, so don’t panic if you think you’ve done it. [2] However, you do need to get it removed as soon as possible if you suspect of having one in there.
NO 7: Is your vaginal odor caused by a Yeast infection?
Yeast infection is pretty common and goes unnoticed in most cases until something like a fishy odor case rises up. The vaginal odor remedies on this post will help treat yeast infection too. Remember how we talked about the PH of your vagina earlier? When that PH is disturbed for whatever reason, too much yeast can grow and result in a Yeast infection.
According to WebMD, here are the immediate signs to tell if you have a yeast infection:
- Itchiness and soreness in the vagina.
- Thick and clumpy white discharge that looks like cottage cheese.
- And of course, the fishy vaginal smell.
NO 8: Is your vaginal odor caused by Bacterial Vaginosis?
MayoClinic describes bacterial vaginosis as a vaginal inflammation caused by the disturbed balance of the bacteria inside your vagina. Similar to Yeast infections, Bacterial Vaginosis is also very common among young women to women in their menopausal stage. It’s not always a serious issue and can be treated with some of the natural vaginal odor remedies you will see on this post, as well as with the help of over counter meds.
These are some of the immediate signs to tell if your vaginal odor is caused by bacterial vaginosis:
- Thin gray-greenish vaginal discharge.
- Fishy vaginal smell
- Itching and burning sensation in and around your vagina.
If you think you have it, relax, most women get it at least once or twice in their lifetime. And as mentioned earlier, it can easily be treated with some of the proven to work home remedies and tips you will see on this page.
However, Bacterial vaginosis during pregnancy is not something to be taken lightly, as it has the potential to cause late miscarriages, preterm births and more.BV is more common during the second and third trimester. [1] So if you’re pregnant and you think you’ve got a BV, run to your doctor asap and get it checked out.
Next we’re going to look at some powerful and proven to work remedies for vaginal odor.
Powerful Vaginal Odor Remedies & Treatments Actually Work!
This is the exciting part you’ve been scrolling down to read right? I know, but please scroll back up and read the rest of this article so you’ve not missed out any of the important must-dos and don’ts of treating vaginal odor.
1. Garlic for Vaginal odor
Eat it and / or insert it into your vagina overnight for 3-5 days in a row or once or twice a week until you can see improvement.
Why it works: Garlic helps get rid of vaginal odor because it has Allicin, which is loaded with antimicrobial properties to fight bad bacteria [10]. Garlic’s antibacterial properties will help fight the growth of bad bacteria and yeast in your vagina and help restore its normal PH.
Garlic is an excellent home remedy to treat yeast infection also, which is one of the main causes of fishy vaginal odor.

- Take a nice warm shower or wash your vaginal area with warm water and pat dry it with tissue or a clean towel you have for that purpose only.
- Take a clove of garlic and cut it halfway through and keep it aside for a second.
- Lie down (lock the door before) and gently insert the garlic clove into your vagina. Make sure it’s fully inside.
- Go to sleep.
The garlic will come out when you go to the washroom in the morning. Repeat this for 3-5 days in a row until you’re healed.
When to do it again: When you feel the need to, but after you’re healed, you can get into the habit of doing it one night per month or once every 2 months.
Is the garlic going to get lost in your vajayjay?
No, it won’t. It will slide out when you get up to pee in the morning or you just have to relax and squat down for it to fall out. But it will never get lost anywhere because your cervical wall is there to prevent that from happening. So if it doesn’t come out right away in the morning, just relax. It will.
Is it going to burn?
If you experience any burning sensations when you insert the garlic in your vagina, that’s a sign you probably have a yeast infection or bacterial vaginosis. In which case, start off with a garlic clove that doesn’t have a cut and then use a cut one on the next day. The burning sensation will slow down as the garlic heals your infection and your skin will eventually repair itself back to normal.
WARNING: Do not do this if you’re bleeding or have any serious wounds down there.
2. How to Get Rid of Vaginal Odor Using Apple Cider Vinegar
Why it works: Apple Cider Vinegar has antibacterial and odor absorbing properties. HuffPost says Apple Cider Vinegar baths can help get rid of stinky feet odor and bad breath, and in this case, your fishy smelling vagina too.
It makes sense right? When you sit in a bathtub filled with ACV and water, the antibacterial properties of the Apple Cider Vinegar will fight with any bad bacterias that may be lingering around in your vagina and helps restore the natural PH of your vagina. The fishy odor is often the result of PH imbalance down there and ACV can help restore that, thus help get rid of the vaginal odor.

- Pour 2 cups of organic ACV into your bathtub filled with lukewarm water.
- Read a book, listen to music or sleep for 20 minutes and just let your body soak in the wonderful healing properties of Apple Cider Vinegar.
- You can also drink a tablespoon of raw organic ACV in a cup of warm water every morning or night to make use of its overall health benefits.
3. Acidophilus Capsules for Vaginal Odor
Remember the good and bad bacteria we’ve been discussing throughout this entire post? The good guys are called Lactobacillus and you can take them orally in the form of these Acidophilus capsules from Amazon.
Why it works: As stated above, the Acidophilus capsules contain the right amount of the good bacterias (Lactobacillus) your body needs for it to get rid of the bad ones down there and help restore the PH level of your vagina. When the PH is restored, the vaginal smell will also begin to vanish.
Warning: It is considered safe for both adults, children and pregnant women, but if you are pregnant or nursing, please consult with your doctor before taking it. Also, don’t take these capsules if you’re lactose intolerant.

4. Neem Bark extracts Oil for Vaginal Odor
I remember the time I caught severe chicken pox when I was 19. My mom laid me on a bunch of neem leaves from head to toe until I was completely healed. It felt like magic at that time because it really did help soothe my scars and itchiness all over.
Why it works: Neem bark is a great essential oil to get rid of vaginal odor because it has been proven to be loaded with antifungal, antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties. The healing properties of this organic Neem oil will fight the bad bacteria that may be causing your fishy vaginal smell and help restore its PH. It will also help heal any signs of yeast infections you may have.

- You can boil its leaves and wash your vagina with Neem water after it has cooled down.
- Or you can do it the easy way and rub a few drops of this cold pressed Neem oil around your vagina after a shower. Make sure to pat dry your vagina before applying the neem oil.
5. Plain organic Yogurt, the natural probiotic for fishy vaginal odor
Why it works: Other than the Acidophilus capsules, another super effective way to get lactobacillus (good bacteria) is by eating plain organic yogurt every day. Now, those good bacterias, also known as Lactobacilli [3] [4] can be increased with the help of probiotics. Plain organic yogurt is hands down one of the best forms of Probiotics. So eating a tablespoon or 2 of yogurt every day can promote the growth and well-being of the good bacteria down there and decrease the growth of the bad ones. This will ensure your vaginal ecosystem maintains its normally acidic PH level and help fight bacterial Vaginosis and Yeast infection. A well balanced vaginal PH and no infections, will as a result help get rid of that fishy smell from your down part.

The Second one is a must, but both combined will work faster.
First: Eat 1-2 tablespoons of plain organic yogurt every day.
Second: After washing and pat drying your vagina, lie down and apply a pea size amount of plain raw organic yogurt into your vagina and on the outside. You can leave it for a couple hours and wash it off or do it at night before going to sleep. Put an old piece of cloth or fabric on the bottom half of your bed where you’ll be lying down.
Repeat 3-5 days in a row. This direct application of yogurt into the vagina is not only of the most effective natural remedies for vaginal odor but also a great treatment to ease the symptoms of yeast infection. Once the smell of your vagina has improved, you can repeat this treatment once every couple of months or whenever you feel the need to.
6. Activated charcoal can also come for your fishy odor rescue
Have you noticed the growing popularity of activated charcoal for beauty purposes these days? Activated charcoal face masks, teeth whitenings and so on. Did you know activated charcoal can help keep your vaginal odor at bay too?
Why it works: Activated charcoal has many benefits for the skin and body. One of those benefits is that activated charcoal has been proven to have odor absorbing properties. [10] Have you ever experienced the pain of trying to hold in a fart on an airplane? You don’t have to anymore, and you can “let it go” without worrying about the smell offending others around you because scientists have suggested embedding activated charcoal in the seat cushions. [11] [12]

- Activated charcoal body cleanse: Take 1 of this activated charcoal capsule every day for about a week. Do it once a month and whenever you feel bloated or gassy. This will cure all your digestive problems and absorb the toxins in your body, including your vagina. As a result, your vaginal smell will also begin to improve.
- You can also embed one or 2 in your trouser or skirt pocket to absorb any outside odors.
7. Here’s How to Get rid of Vaginal Odor Using Tea Tree Essential Oil
Why it works: Tea Tree oil is packed with antibacterial and antifungal properties and has been proven to treat infections and wounds.[13] [14] When applied to the external parts of your vagina, Tea Tree oil can get rid of any infection and/or odor-causing bacteria and soothe any irritations you might have down there.

- Wash the outer part of your vagina with warm water and pat dry it.
- Dilute 3-4 drops of organic Tea Tree oil with a few drops of water and use a cotton pad to gently apply it on the outside parts of your vaginal area.
- Do it for a couple of days in a row and then whenever necessary.
8. Indian gooseberry can help treat vaginal odor
Why it works: Indian gooseberry, also known as Amla, is not only proven to have anti-aging properties, but it’s also packed with antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties [23] [24], which makes it another one of the best vaginal odor remedies worth trying.

9. Drink Cranberry juice for your overall vaginal health and odor
Don’t you just love that sweet, sour and tarty taste of organic cranberry juice? I swear it has an addictive taste. But even if you’re not a fan of its taste, you might want to consider including cranberry juice in your diet every week for the sake of your vaginal health. It will also help reduce the symptoms of vaginal odor.
Why it works: Cranberry juice has been proven to work like a natural antibiotic and helps treat UTI (Urinary Tract Infection) in women. [25]
Cranberry also contains a compound called quercetin which is packed with anti-inflammatory properties.[26]

10. Water: your vagina needs plenty of water
This should have been number 1 on this list of vaginal odor remedies, but I know you all would skip it in a blinking second so I squeezed it on here. Your vagina needs water ladies.
Why it works: It keeps your body hydrated and that includes your vagina too. Water does A-Z of everything from giving you a clear skin to preventing constipation and kidney infections. [27, 28] Water will flush out toxins from your body and help keep things clean down there.
What to do: Drink at least 8-9 glasses of plain water every single day to keep your body, including your down below hydrated and free from dryness.
11. Wave goodbye to Thongs and other tight underwear
Did you know thongs can increase your risk of developing irritations and infections? Thongs and all your other sexy tight underwears simply do not allow your vagina to breathe. Yes, your vagina needs to breathe. Wearing tight underwear is like keeping socks on your feet. Imagine taking them off after a heavy sweaty workout?

Pure cotton underwear will be gentle on your vaginal area and allow it to breathe and also prevent it from irritations. [25] [26]
BONUS TIP: Go commando mode to sleep. Yes, sleeping without your underwear is one of the best overall natural treatment you can give for your vagina. Yeast and bacteria love dark and moist places, so when you sleep without underwear, it allows your vaginal area to breathe and reduces the risk of providing the perfect environment for those bad guys.
12. Keep your pubic hair short and clean
Why it works: Too much pubic hair can hold on to sweat and moist down there and provide the perfect environment for bad bacteria to invade. And give space for pubic lice, ever heard of it? [29]
Note how I never said anything about shaving, yup, because pubic hair is there for a reason. It’s not completely bad and can actually protect you from infections if kept clean and dry. [30]
What to do: Trim it and keep it short so it still gives you protection from harmful bacterias entering your vagina. Wash your vulva with warm water and the outside of your vaginal area dry to prevent any unpleasant vaginal odor.
13. Do you sweat or get wet a lot down there?
Baby wipes can help solve that problem. Baby wipes are described as mild as pure water to the skin and can be used all over the body. They`re specially made to suit the delicate skin of the newborn babies. Baby wipes are perfectly gentle and can be used often to wipe around the vagina and anal area a couple of times during the day.
It is a good idea to make it into a habit to keep a packet of baby wipes in your bag [or handbag] wherever you go. When you feel yourself sweating too much or getting wet in your vagina, just go somewhere private and wipe that area with baby wipes. Please do not stick the baby wipes inside your vagina just because it’s described as mild as pure water doesn’t mean it is water! Always keep your vaginal area dry; allowing any moisture to accumulate will promote the growth of the bad bacteria which causes the vaginal odor. Pat your vagina dry with some plain tissues and fan it with a card or whatever thoroughly before putting on your underwear.
14. Try water/liquid diet once a week
It will help cleanse out all the bad toxins from your body and get rid of vaginal odor!
If you have a really strong fishy odor coming out from your vagina, you should give a try to water diet one day per week until you notice any positive changes in the smell. Drink lots of water, natural fruit juices, you can eat organic fat-free yogurt and fresh fruits too. It cleanses your inner system and gets rid of the bad toxins which cause the fishy odor of the vagina. Another plus point of this one-day liquid diet is that it can help control your appetite and lose weight gradually (if you want to).
15. Fenugreek all the way!
Fenugreek has unlimited benefits for everybody especially us women. Fenugreek helps balance the hormones and promotes regular menstrual cycles. It helps get rid of hot flashes and menstrual cramps. In this case, it will help keep your inner body system healthy [especially the reproductive system] which in turn can help reduce the odor of the vagina.
You can consume fenugreek in its natural form [seeds] or you can drink it as a tea or take it as capsules. I do all three of them. The fenugreek capsules are just as good as the fenugreek seeds and I take 2 capsules every day before a meal. The only side effect you might face with Fenugreek is diarrhea [for some people] and sometimes skin irritation [very rare]. So you can give this a try too but just make sure you`re drinking enough water every day. When your body dehydrates from water, it will further promote that bad odor of the vagina.
How to Get Rid of Vaginal Odor FAQ
1. Why does my vagina itch and burn?
If you’re experiencing continuous vaginal itching and burning, it could be because of Bacterial Vaginosis. BV is also one of the main causes of fishy vaginal odor. The yogurt and garlic remedies mentioned in this post are excellent for treating Bacterial Vaginosis symptoms. If you don’t see any improvements within 4-5 days, visit your GP without further delay.
2. Why does my vagina always smell bad after sexual intercourse?
If your private part only smells after having intercourse with your partner then it’s likely to be his fluid that’s causing the bad odor. Encourage your partner to eat more greens and to drink lots of water every day. Pineapple also helps apparently. This is why you must always urinate right after having your moment and wash the outside of your vagina with lukewarm water. Washing your private part right after your intimate moment will also reduce the chances of catching a UTI (Urinary Tract Infection).
3. Why does my vagina smell bad when I’m on period and after?
When your period blood mixes with other bodily fluids and air, bacteria forms on it and causes that bad odor. This is why it’s important to change your pads/tampons regularly and also wash the outside of your vaginal area at least 2 times a day. If you have a smell for one or 2 days after your period, that could be because of any old blood that hasn’t completely drained out yet.
4. None of these how to get rid of vaginal odor remedies are working for me. What do I do now?
If you’ve tried all the remedies and tips listed in this post and none of them seem to be working, it’s time for you to make an appointment with your doctor. You could have an infection of some sort that needs professional medical treatments so please visit your doctor as soon as possible.
5. I have been smelling like a fish since childhood. Even if I shower 10 times a day, the fishy smell never leaves me. Why is that?
If you’ve been having a fishy odor your entire life, even in your sweat and breath, you could have what’s known as Trimethylaminuria (TMI). You need to explain your symptoms to your doctor and request to be tested for TMI. It’s a genetically inherited condition and there is no permanent cure for it, yet, however, there are plenty of treatments available to keep it under control.
6. Why do I have white thick discharge that smells so bad?
If you have thick and clumpy white vaginal discharge combined with itching, you could have a yeast infection. Try the vaginal odor remedies listed on this page and see your doctor if you don’t see any improvements at all within 3-5 days.
7. How long should you do the Garlic and Yoghurt treatment for?
This treatment is mostly recommended for those suffering from just vaginal odor and for those suffering from the beginning stages of yeast infection and Bacterial vaginitis. So if you’re just doing it to get rid of the odor, you can do the garlic treatment every day for about one week and then do it maybe once a month, same with the yogurt treatment. You should also consume garlic and yogurt every day to speed up the healing process.
However, if you’re doing this treatment to get rid of Yeast infection or Bacterial Vaginitis, you should wait for no longer than a week to see results. If symptoms are only getting worse, you should seek immediate medical treatment to cure it before the infection spreads and grows into a more serious condition.
8. Will the garlic clove disappear in your vagina?
No, it won’t. It will normally come out by itself when you urinate or you can easily pull it out yourself. Tie a thin thread around the garlic clove before inserting it and leave about 2-4 inch of that thread to hang out of the vagina. This will make it easier to pull out the garlic in the morning.
9. It doesn’t burn when I tried the garlic treatment. Is this normal?
This is normal if you’re not experiencing any other symptoms like swelling and itching.
10. Why does it burn when I apply the garlic on my vagina?
Yes, it will burn a little and sometimes more depending on how severe your infection is but the pain will be worth it in the end. That’s why it’s highly recommended to do it at night time before going to bed so the burning sensation will not bother much when you’re asleep.
11. Can you do the garlic treatment if you’re pregnant?
Garlic has only proven to be beneficial for pregnant women in many ways. It helps control high blood pressure and retained protein in urine and also helps with normal birth weight for babies, hence I highly doubt it will have any negative effect. But my best advice, in this case, would be to consult It with your doctor first.
12. The garlic won’t come out of my vagina and it has been 2 days. What do I do?
The cervix is the last stop for the garlic clove and hence it cannot travel any further into your other internal organs. Sometimes this does happen, as long as you’re not feeling abnormal or experiencing painful symptoms, this is fine and you just have to use your finger to search inside [rare case] and pull it out. It will be hiding somewhere in there, which is why it’s best to tie a thread on it before inserting it.
13. The fishy smell is only coming before, during or after sexual intercourse. Why is that?
It could be the smell of his semen or the contraception. You have to urinate and wash properly right after intercourse to avoid that smell and prevent infections. As much as you take care of your own hygiene, please tell him to take care of his also for both of your benefits. If you experience any other symptoms, consult it with a doctor to find out what the problem is.
14. Do you have to wash with soap and water after every time you urinate?
No, you don’t have to but washing is definitely a must do after releasing your feces [using the scientific term for poo]. But please do wash your private parts at least twice a day though.
15. Can you use baby oil, petroleum jelly or any other type of oil as lubricant?
No, researchers have found that baby oil has the power to tear off condoms, so can you imagine what sort of harm it will do to your inner part? It’s best to stick with water-based lubricants or none at all.
My Daily Vaginal Care Routine
Yeah, this is what I do every day to keep mine smelling healthy and fresh. . .
When I’m in the bath or shower, I wash my vaginal and anal area with plain warm water first. I wash the entrance of my vaginal area thoroughly with plain water [without sticking my finger inside] and then I wash the area nicely with my favorite mild dove bath cream or Palmolive bath cream and sometimes the soap versions.
Whatever I do, I always make sure not to let the soap enter my vagina and wash it with plain water about 5 seconds after applying the mild soap. When washing the anal area, you don’t really have to worry about the soap much; you can just apply it and cleanse it well [not inside of course].
This cleansing process instantly makes my vaginal and anal area feel fresh and clean. Once I’m out of the bath, I pat dry my body with a towel but never ever use any towel or fabric material to dry my down areas. I always use tissues to dry my vaginal and anal parts because I feel that they`re much cleaner and gentle than using a towel or any other cloth materials. Unless you`re using a new towel every time you dry the area, I don’t think it’s a good idea to use it otherwise.
After I dry my private part with tissues [any plain tissues], I lie on my back with legs spread wide and fan the area with a card [birthday card etc] for few minutes and when I know it’s completely dry, I apply a tiny drop of my stick deodorant just below my belly button and a tiny bit on my inner thighs before putting on my underwear.
When I’m not wearing pure cotton underwear, I never forget to stick on a panty liner before putting it on. Panty liners prevent underwear from getting dirty and protect the fabric from rubbing against my vaginal area. This is only if I’m going out or wearing legged bottoms at home, otherwise, I avoid wearing underwear at home because I normally wear long gowns when I’m at home. This enables my vaginal area to breathe and stay healthy. I use to feel awkward not wearing underwear at home but hey, health matters more plus it makes me feel super comfortable and no one will know whether you`re wearing one or not unless you tell them.
Throughout the day, whenever I go to the toilet to urinate or take a dump [oops], I always wipe it clean with tissues and then wash it with warm water and mild soap and repeat the process above. It seems like a long thing but trust me, once you get used to it, you will realize how much its helped with all your private part issues. Never ever put on your underwear when your vaginal area is wet. Always dry It fully before putting on underwear as it prevents unwanted moisture from storing up which opens the door for yeast infection and so on.
I apply some of this below my belly button and some on my inner thighs after a shower. . .
I have mentioned this above on my daily vaginal routine summary. I apply a little bit of this stick deodorant below my belly button and on my inner thighs, just to smell fresher. I find stick deodorants the best and long lasting, this is completely optional. If you want to apply if you can, otherwise you don’t have to. You can use any stick deodorants as long as they’re suitable for sensitive skin. I like the Pomegranate flavor better, it has to be the best smelling one out there.
Mild and Unscented Dove Soap Bars
This is what I use. . .
I use this soap to clean my private parts because it is mild, unscented and made especially for sensitive skin. If you prefer to use soap to down there to have that extra fresh feeling, that is perfectly fine but make sure that the soap never gets into the vaginal hole. Please go back to the above information on poor hygiene to refresh your memory on why you should be careful when using soap to wash your vaginal area.
Did you find any of these how to get rid of vaginal odor remedies helpful?
Please feel free to share your experience below so others can also benefit from it.
This is such a great article, should be mandatory reading for girls in school. So much valuable information. Thank you gor taking the time to write this and share it!!! Blessings to you and your family. ☺
Heya, I thought I had already replied to your comment :S Not sure what happened. Thank you for your kind words and blessings. God bless you and your family too. 🙂
This was by far the most informative blog and I am so glad I ran across it. You touch on many points that most woman wouldn’t even think of. Thanks for this, it is truly appreciated!
Thank you so much, Jennifer. I’m glad you found it useful. 🙂
Thank you for the article!!! I’ve been buying the wrong products and feel much better! Love it!!
I’m glad you found it helpful, Lala. 🙂
All you need is some lukewarm water to wash the outer vaginal/anal area. If you feel the need to use soap, use a mild nonfragrant and sensitive soap like Dove to wash the outer part only. No soapy water must ever enter inside your vagina.
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Having a fishy smell from my vaginal and I am 20 weeks pregnant… there is some itching as well but no pain. Any advice?
Hello, I know you mentioned with one of the remedies to soak in a cup of Apple cider vinegar what about baking soda is that ok as well to get rid of vaginal odor?