Some people enjoy being in a relationship, while others are happier on their own. Which one are you? Read the pros and cons of both to find out.
At some point in everyone’s life, they wonder whether they’d be better off single or in a relationship. Some wonder this while in a committed relationship, while others think about it if they have been single for a long time. Whether the single life or the taken life is better has been a major debate for years and years. Lately, as a society we have been moving away from the assumption that everyone will one day have a nuclear family. Instead, we are more open to those who prefer the single life. But what does that mean for you? The stereotype associated with the single life is fun and freedom, while most people think that relationships are for mature people who want to have kids right away. If you’re leaning towards the single life, here are some advantages and disadvantages to help you make a well-informed decision.
Many people who aren’t in a committed relationship imagine that when they find someone to date, it’ll be just like the movies- flowers and happiness all the time. On the flipside, many people in a relationship would rather live the fun single life. So which is really better? To be honest, there is no right answer to that question. Some people thrive single, others do better with a partner and for others it just depends on what phase of their life they’re currently in. However, to get an objective view at the two, here are the top 10 pros and cons:
Pros: When you don’t have a partner, the fact is that you have significantly more free time. And you can do whatever you want with this time! Start a new hobby, find your passions, relax- it’s up to you! Your time is completely your own. When you’re married, you have to spend enough time with your partner to keep them happy and work enough to earn money for the whole family. When it comes to free time, living the single life is far less stressful.
Cons: On the other hand, when you’re single and have too much free time on your hands, you could pick up some bad habits. From drinking excessively to watching porn obsessively, free time isn’t great for everyone. If you don’t use your free time as a single person constructively, you could harm yourself and your future.
Pros: Money is a luxury no matter your relationship status. However, when you’re single, you have no obligation to spend your hard-earned money on anyone else. You don’t have to take anyone on dates, buy them presents, splurge on vacations or anything else. You can spend your money however you want to! You have complete freedom!
Cons: You could definitely save money while you’re single, but at what cost? If you have no one to spend time with, you’d surely be lonely.
Pros: When you’re single, the main person in your life is you. That means that most of your stress will come from your own life- not from someone else’s. However, when you’re in a relationship there are many potential sources for stress: money, children, your in-laws, and much more. You likely have enough stress without bringing another person- much less an entire family- into the mix.
Cons: While you may have less mental and financial stress, you could suffer physically. By this, I mean that lack of sexual interaction could cause physical stress on your body. You’ll be left to satisfy yourself! Even studies have shown that those with a healthy sex life are much happier.
Pros: Whenever someone is single, it’s obvious that they have more freedom. They don’t need to base what they do, where they go or who they spend time with on anyone else’s desires. They can wear anything they want, spend all of their free time partying, hit on people at parties and flirt shamelessly. There’s no one telling them what to do and there’s no need for them to explain themselves to anyone. They can use dating and hookup apps shamelessly without worrying that it would be inconsiderate. Freedom is definitely a major advantage of the single life.
Cons: There truly isn’t a con to freedom when it comes to being single. In a relationship, you would need to be considerate of your significant other, but when you’re single there are no rules. In a relationship you have less freedom, but have more love, affection and company.
Pros: When you are living the single boss, you don’t have anyone to answer to. You’re your own boss! You have the ability to make your own decisions without asking for permission or worrying about the consequences. You can eat what you want when you want, wear whatever you love and keep your house messy. You have complete independence!
Cons: While singles can be their own boss, some decisions are better made by two people instead of one. When you’re in a relationship, you can bounce ideas off of your significant other and have help making the bigger life decisions. A partner will also give you the support and encouragement you need to be a better person.
Pro: Being single is the happiest, most freeing feeling in the world
Con: Being single is sad and lonely
At the end of the day, there are pros and cons to being single in the same way that there are pros and cons to being in a relationship. It’s truly your personal decision. Some people have never been single, while others have never been in a relationship. And either way is okay as long as you’re happy. However, don’t make your decision based on fear. Relationships can get an unfair bad reputation, but in reality, they can be absolutely beautiful if you’re with the right person. Don’t let rumors or one bad relationship experience bar you from trying again! Take your time to be single but then get back in the dating pool!
On the other hand, some people stay single because they truly enjoy it better. Ambitious go-getter types tend to enjoy the single life more than others. However, most people fall somewhere in the middle. We enjoy being single, but eventually want to get into a relationship and settle down. We have dreams of owning homes and raising families. Relationships bring with them a sense of stability and fulfillment that the single life- for most people- does not provide.
That being said, no one is forcing you to be single or in a relationship. Be honest with yourself and do whatever makes you happiest. However, be sure to take note of the advantages and disadvantages that come along with each before making a final decision.
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