Activated charcoal teeth whitening has close to zero scientific evidence to back up the ongoing viral claim that AC helps to whiten teeth.
However, activated charcoal has been proven to have other benefits such as odor absorbing properties and treatment for poisoning, flatulence and for removing toxins from the body.
If you’re like me, you could (Thanks, Google!) have bumped into comments like this and thought you can’t wait to try it right?
But NO! You could have also bumped into comments like this and thought hmmm?
I’ve read some comments here and there saying Activated Charcoal is abrasive and works like a sandpaper on teeth/enamel.
Now, that’s worrying, but where is the proof to back up this claim?
Just like how there isn’t much scientific evidence to back up the claim that Activated Charcoal helps whiten teeth, there also is no scientific evidence to say that it’s damaging to the teeth or enamels.
If there is, please feel free to hit the contact button and send it my way and I’ll be sure to include it if it’s from a valid source.
And when you bump into comments like these, you can’t help but get your hands on a bottle of AC capsules or powder because it’s affordable.
Me and 2 members in my family have started using Activated Charcoal for Teeth Whitening. We like the results and we’re going to continue using it once or twice a week. So the before/after photos + interviews on this post are theirs.
However, if you choose to do it, do it at your own wish and consult with a dentist or doctor before starting if you feel the need to.
Big thanks to 2 people in my family, you’re about to see some real before/after photos of activated charcoal teeth whitening on this article.
To respect and protect their confidentiality, only their mouth is shown in the pictures.
This is how we did the Activated Charcoal Teeth Whitening:
I knew that 1-day treatment wasn’t going to help to draw any reliable conclusions about the effectiveness of Activated Charcoal for teeth whitening. Hence, all 4 participants, including myself did it for 5 days in a row.
We took a photo of our teeth every day in those 5 days. We didn’t all start and finish on the same dates, but the point is, we all did the AC teeth whitening for 5 days in a row.
PRO TIP: Activated Charcoal capsules can create quite a big mess if you attempt to open them with your bare hands. You’re going to need a scissor or a small knife to open it and even then you’ve got to cover it with a piece of paper to stop it from flying everywhere.
What you will nee

d per session of Activated charcoal teeth whitening:
- 1 or 2 capsules of AC: We have and will be using this brand of Activated Charcoal capsules that I bought from Amazon because it’s affordable and had good ratings. And now that we’ve tried it, we’re going to stick with this brand for some time. I might try the powder AC sometime in the near future.
- A toothbrush: If like us, you decide to use Activated charcoal for teeth whitening, in the long run, I highly recommend using a bamboo toothbrush like this one. The soft bristles of the bamboo toothbrush will be gentle on your gums.
Any regular toothbrush will do the job but since we want to do it every week, We’re keeping a spare toothbrush just for the Activated Charcoal teeth whitening purpose because the bristles of your brush will get stained for sure.
Participant 1 Activated Charcoal Teeth Whitening Before and After
This set of teeth belongs to my cousin R (First letter of her name).
These are the before photos of her teeth before the charcoal whitening treatment.
I’d say her teeth were normal with hints of light yellow stains here and there, especially on her bottom teeth. It’s pretty much the whitest teeth most people have these days.
Participant 1 first day results of ac teeth whitening
Day 1 feedback for Participant 1
As you can see from the before and after photos, there wasn’t any dramatic difference on day 1, but there IS some difference. Her teeth look squeaky clean and shiny with a tiny hint of whitening to the front part of her teeth.
As mentioned earlier, we weren’t expecting any dramatic results on day 1, so even the smallest changes that we did notice came as a sweet surprise for us.
On day 1, you’re more likely to notice shininess and that extra clean feel more than any whitening effect. This may be why some people would try it for one day and draw the conclusion that activated charcoal does not work for teeth whitening whatsoever.
Another thing to keep in mind is that the results can vary from person to person as some people might begin with what we’d consider normal white teeth and others might start off with extremely stained or yellow teeth.
Day 2 After photo for Participant 1
Day 3 After Photo
Day 4 Results of Participant 1
Day 5 (Last day) AC Teeth Whitening results of Participant 1
Day 5 Feedback:
Both on the pictures and in person, there is an undeniable difference in her teeth after each day’s treatment. Activated charcoal brushing has definitely made her teeth look squeaky clean, shiny and whiter than they were before.
As a matter of fact, I feel the pictures are not doing enough justice for her actual results in real life. Now I know the pain some of you beauty bloggers go through with the before/after photos.
Participant 2 Activated Charcoal Teeth Whitening Before and After
Participant 2 is my aunt (A) and this is her before photo:
Her teeth were a lot more yellowish, to begin with, so any changes, no matter how big or small was easily noticeable. I believe her yellow stains must have developed and advanced during her pregnancies.
Day 1 feedback:
This is precisely how my aunt’s teeth looked after her first activated charcoal teeth whitening treatment. Because her teeth had strong yellow stains, to begin with, you can easily see the changes in her teeth right after the treatment.
It’s too soon to draw any serious conclusions, so we’re going to wait until day 5.
Day 2: She did the treatment at her house and I didn’t get the chance to take a photo of her after teeth.
Despite the bad lighting at the time this photo was taken, AC is still improving the looks of her yellow stains and whitening her teeth more after every treatment.
At this point, my aunt is more than convinced that she wants to continue the activated charcoal teeth whitening treatment every week from now on. Her teeth aren’t fully white yet, but they look 10 times better than how they used to prior to the treatment.
She also loves the extra clean and fresh feel in her mouth as well as the super shiny teeth.
Results! That’s all we can say.
Nothing too dramatic, but her teeth are certainly way whiter than they have been since her early teen days I bet.
She has already purchased her bottle of Activated charcoal, the exact same brand we’ve been using for her and my cousin.
Activated Charcoal Teeth Whitening FAQ
Does activated charcoal stain teeth or crowns?
From my own experience and the experiences of both of my participants, no it does not stain teeth. I mean you might get a mini tongue stain like this but that will be gone after brushing again.

However, it might leave a minor stain on your sink which can be easily cleaned up with regular washroom spray and wipe. Spitting it in a plastic bag or old newspaper would also help avoid making a mess in the sink.
Is activated charcoal teeth whitening safe while pregnant?
According to many pregnant women who’ve done it and shared their testimonies on various forums, it is safe. Just avoid swallowing it to avoid taking back the toxins pulled out from your mouth. As a matter of fact, studies have shown that peroral activated charcoal can be used to treat Cholestasis during pregnancy [1, 2].
Does the charcoal teeth whitening have any impact on teeth fillings, Porcelain veneers or caps?
Activated charcoal will not stain your fillings, veneers or caps. However, as mentioned earlier, it might not have the same effect as it would on the natural part of your teeth. Please consult with your dentist before trying if you’re still concerned.
How often should you do the activated charcoal teeth whitening for best results?
Start with 5 days in a row and then do it 2-3 times a week.
How does AC taste like?
Nothing. Speaking from our own experiences, Activated charcoal has a neutral taste, similar to water.
- Activated charcoal teeth whitening works for those with realistic expectations and for those who’re willing to try it for at least 5 days before assuming it doesn’t work at all.
- We’ve used Nature’s way brand of Activated charcoal because it’s affordable and has good ratings.
- We’re going to continue this treatment at least once a week and you should too for best results.
- It will not stain your natural teeth, braces or veneers, however, it’s best to consult with your dentist if you’re worried about braces or veneers.